Jack Fontaine
Jack Fontaine has been an active Bible teacher in Fort Lauderdale area for the past 40 years. One year after his conversion in 1968 at the age of 28, the Lord called him out of a promising future in electronics research and development and into a full time ministry three years later at the age of 31.
As the director of Fort Lauderdale Beach Ministries from 1971 to 1981, Jack operated rescue missions. The Fort Lauderdale Beach Christian Center was the largest mission offering free services in Florida, and operated strictly by faith in the Lord's provision, without solicitations of any kind. The Lord proved faithful: during the last year and a half there, over 100,000 free meals were served and approximately forty people per night given shelter. The Lord blessed the nightly gospel messages and believers' Bible studies with lives brought into obedience to His will, families restored and growth for the staff who lived and ministered there, including Jack and his wife Jane and their two young daughters.
During the last six months at the beach mission, the Lord began moving Jack's desire in the direction of radio outreach. He left the beach work in June of 1981 to involve himself full time in Christian broadcasting. His verse-by-verse expository studies, under the title The Discipleship Hour, present Biblical principles in a challenging and uncompromising format. Responders are followed up with free Bibles and literature and encouraged to become involved in a local Bible Believing Church.